Parent Layer:
Facilities and Services
Name: Municipal Buildings
Display Field: MUNICIPALI
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: Dataset includes all Municipal Halls in Westchester County, New York, and includes Municipal Hall name, address, website information. This data is being maintained for Emergency services. Officials were updated to reflect 2009 local Elections.
Service Item Id: e49a00b22930434eb9c46234e6931f01
Copyright Text:
Default Visibility: false
MaxRecordCount: 1000
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Advanced Queries: true
Supports Statistics: true
Has Labels: true
Can Modify Layer: true
Can Scale Symbols: false
Use Standardized Queries: true
Supports Datum Transformation: true
XMin: 646190.1510355921
YMin: 750127.9976709409
XMax: 751725.616473425
YMax: 910393.000631109
Spatial Reference: 102715
Drawing Info:
Simple Renderer:
Label: N/A
Description: N/A
Transparency: 0
Labeling Info:
Label Placement: esriServerPointLabelPlacementAboveRight
Label Expression: [MUNICIPALI]
Use Coded Values: true
[0, 92, 230, 255]
Background Color: N/A
Outline Color: N/A
Vertical Alignment: bottom
Horizontal Alignment: left
Right to Left: false
Angle: 0
XOffset: 0
YOffset: 0
Size: 8
Font Family: Arial
Font Style: normal
Font Weight: normal
Font Decoration: none
Min. Scale: 24000.0
Max. Scale: 0.0
Advanced Query Capabilities:
Supports Statistics: true
Supports OrderBy: true
Supports Distinct: true
Supports Pagination: true
Supports TrueCurve: true
Supports Returning Query Extent: true
Supports Query With Distance: true
Supports Sql Expression: true
Supports Query With ResultType: false
Supports Returning Geometry Centroid: false
Supports Binning LOD: false
Supports Query With LOD Spatial Reference: false
Supports Percentile Statistics: true
Supports Having Clause: true
Supports Count Distinct: true
Supports Time Relation: true
Supports Sql Format: false
Supports Query Analytic: false
Supports Query With Current User: true
HasZ: false
HasM: false
Has Attachments: false
HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone
Type ID Field: null
type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID_1
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Municipality, length: 22
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Address, length: 50
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: City, length: 25
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: ZIP, length: 5
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Website, length: 50
type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: Shape
Supported Operations:
Query Attachments
Query Analytic
Generate Renderer
Return Updates