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snippet: 2000 orthophotos: one-half-foot (6”)-pixel 3-band natural-color film imagery, acquired in April 2000 for Westchester County through a contract. Flown at 4,800’ (800-scale) above mean Sea Level (MSL), these are the County’s first digital orthophotos, captured to develop the County’s first 100-scale digital basemap planimetrics. Areas considered sensitive by the County were blurred.
summary: 2000 orthophotos: one-half-foot (6”)-pixel 3-band natural-color film imagery, acquired in April 2000 for Westchester County through a contract. Flown at 4,800’ (800-scale) above mean Sea Level (MSL), these are the County’s first digital orthophotos, captured to develop the County’s first 100-scale digital basemap planimetrics. Areas considered sensitive by the County were blurred.
extent: [[-73.9923450190116,40.8742277509113],[-73.4784710319369,41.371617407635]]
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: 2000 orthophotos: one-half-foot (6”)-pixel 3-band natural-color film imagery, acquired in April 2000 for Westchester County through a contract. Flown at 4,800’ (800-scale) above mean Sea Level (MSL), these are the County’s first digital orthophotos, captured to develop the County’s first 100-scale digital basemap planimetrics. Areas considered sensitive by the County were blurred.
title: MappingWestchesterCounty_AerialPhoto2000
type: Map Service
tags: ["MappingWestchesterCounty_AerialPhoto2000","MapServer"]
culture: en-US
name: MappingWestchesterCounty_AerialPhoto2000
guid: 6CE45885-3B9F-4F64-8F14-1B2A30D0CFDF
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_New_York_East_FIPS_3101_Feet